We are pleased to announce our Call For Proposals for a Special Issue on
"Comparative and Systematic Approaches to Multi-Platform Research," to be
published in Political Communication
<https://www-tandfonline-com.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/journals/upcp20>. We
hope to advance the following broad question: what is the nature of a
complex, fragmented, multi-platform digital ecosystem, how does political
communication flow through it, and what are its consequences for politics
and society?

This call welcomes both empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative,
computational and mixed-methods approaches (inclusive of descriptive and
causal studies). This includes (but is not limited to) surveys,
experiments, content analyses (of all types), digital and in-person
ethnographies, interviews, and focus groups. We also welcome theoretical
pieces that have direct applications to multi-platform research.

You can find full details below or in the Call for Papers here:

Abstracts of no more than 1,000 words are due September 25, 2023.

For any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to any of the SI editorial
board (Josephine Lukito, Meredith Pruden, Jiyoun Suk, Yunkang Yang, and Wei
Zhong), or the Special Issue email ([log in to unmask]).

               Political Methodology E-Mail List
   Editors:  Yuan (Cecilia) Sui and Gechun Lin
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